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Is Ruby on Rails a dying application framework in 2024?

When building a new application, a big decision you have to make is which technology framework to choose. Or maybe you are already running an application but still pondering over whether Ruby on Rails could be a reliable option for you. If you find yourself in either of these situations, you’re not alone. 

Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework known for its ease of use, convention over configuration approach, and rapid development capabilities.
At Mallow, we take pride in our expertise as a leading custom software development company, which makes us well-suited to craft applications of any size and domain. Having worked on numerous projects using Ruby on Rails, we possess a comprehensive understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, and evolving landscape.

After reading the article,  you will gain valuable insights into the current state and future prospects of the Ruby on Rails framework. The article will provide a comprehensive analysis of Ruby on Rails relevance in today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape. You will be better informed about making decisions related to technology choices for your projects, whether to involve Ruby on Rails or explore other alternatives in the ever-changing software development ecosystem.

Ruby on Rails – Fading Star or Steady Performer?

Ruby on Rails, a robust and developer-friendly web application framework, that has been a prominent player in the web development arena for more than a decade. However, as the technology landscape evolves and newer frameworks emerge, questions arise about whether Ruby on Rails remains a fading star or if it continues to be a steady performer in the ever-changing world of web development.

As of 2024, while it is true that Ruby on Rails may not be the buzz-worthy technology it once was, dismissing it as a fading star would be premature. The framework has indeed faced competition from newer languages and frameworks, and some developers have transitioned to other options seeking fresher tech stacks. 

Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that Ruby on Rails has consistently maintained its solid foundation and strong community support. Its mature ecosystem offers reliable libraries, extensive documentation, and a wealth of gems, which make it a viable choice for certain projects, especially those emphasising rapid prototyping, accelerated deadlines and convention-driven development. Many existing applications continue to be powered by Ruby on Rails, with ongoing maintenance and updates ensuring their relevance in the current market.

Below mentioned are some of the common criticisms that have been revolving Ruby on Rails for ages  

1.Age – Ruby on Rails was released in 2004, making it a mature framework. Its age has led to a perception of being outdated or lacking modern features compared to newer frameworks.

2.Competition – The rise of JavaScript-based backend frameworks/libraries like Express.js/Node.js might have led some developers to prefer working with full-stack JavaScript solutions rather than Ruby on Rails for the sake of consistency and a unified language stack. 

The web development landscape has seen the emergence of several other frameworks and technologies over the years, such as Node.js, Symfony, Laravel, Django, Go, etc. The increased competition may have contributed to the declining popularity of Ruby on Rails as developers explore newer options.

The complete article was originally published at is Ruby on Rails a dying application framework in 2024?
Is Ruby on Rails a dying application framework in 2024?

Is Ruby on Rails a dying application framework in 2024?
